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Scene Deep-Dive - Man of Steel

I was re-watching Man of Steel (2013) and a particular scene stood out to me which I want to explore. It's quite a simple scene of a...

Religion and the Prince of Thieves

An exploration of how religion is portrayed in Robin Hood the Prince of Thieves (1991). Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991, directed by...

Kermit Against Capitalism

Or what happens when I look too deeply into The Muppet's Christmas Carol (1992) and The Muppet's Treasure Island (1996). Spoilers ahead...

Narnia: Puddleglum's Faith

*Spoilers for The Silver Chair* The Silver Chair is the penultimate Narnia story and one of its famous aspects is the speech which...

Peter's Wife

(This post isn't about pop culture but instead a brief musing on a rather mysterious Biblical character.) Peter is probably one of my...

Narnia: Through the Wardrobe

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis are some of the most famous children's books with over a 100 million copies sold. Lewis intended...

Angry God? Definition of Love?

So I'm starting a brand new blog and the natural thing to do would be to pick a well known media but a rather obscure series (at least to...

Faith over Sight

*Spoilers for Star Wars: A New Hope and maybe the Empire Strikes Back (depending on how pedantic you are)* I am a massive Star Wars geek...

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